Please select the following links to download and view the publications:

“The Jazz of A Black Ethnographer: A Memoir of Pedagogy, Improvisation, and Reflexivity at a Liberal Arts College”

2024, “The Jazz of a Black Ethnographer: A Memoir of Pedagogy, Improvisation, and Reflexivity at a Liberal Arts College” Teaching and Learning Difficult Topics in the Music Classroom, Eds. Laura Pruett and Olivia Lucas (University of Michigan Press).

The Jazz of a Black Ethnographer – Slaten


Doing Sound: An Ethnography of Fidelity, Temporality, and Labor Among Live Sound Engineers

2018. “Doing Sound: An Ethnography of Fidelity, Temporality, and Labor Among Live Sound Engineers,” Ph.D. Diss., Columbia University.

Ethnography, Sound Studies, and the Black Atlantic

current-musicology2017. “Ethnography, Sound Studies and the Black Atlantic”
Current Musicology 99-100 (Spring): 21-36.

Book Review: Unfree Masters: Recording Artists and the Politics of Work by Matt Stahl

ethnomusicology-review2014. Review of Unfree Masters: Recording Artists and the Politics of Work

Matt Stahl Ethnomusicology Review Volume 18 (2013)

Representing Recording Studios of the Past: A Review Essay

current-musicology2011. “Representing Recording Studios of the Past: A Review Essay”
Current Musicology 91 (Spring): 167-184.

Book Review: Dub: Soundscapes and Shattered Songs in Jamaican Reggae byMichael Veal

souls-journal2008. Review of Dub: Soundscapes and Shattered Songs in Jamaican Reggae

Michael Veal SOULS Journal 10 (Spring): 187-189.

Dub Book Review.pdf